Concept and coordination
Rojas Cultural Center - University Extension
Buenos Aires' University
2007 /2013

Theoretical seminars, workshops, conferences, production meetings, outings and work tables

International guests:

Lara Almarcegui (artist, Rotterdam)
Ibon Aramberri (artist, Bilbao)
Ricardo Basbaum (artist, Rio de Janeiro)
José Luís Brea (critic, SalonKritik editor, Madrid)
Kalle Brolin (artist, Göteborg)
Alejandro Cesarco (artist / editor, New York / Montevideo)
Minerva Cuevas (artist, Mexico City)
Raimond Chaves (artist, Lima)
Catherine David (curator, Paris)
Dora García (artist, Brussels)
Fran Ilich (artist, Mexico)
Anne Kersten (curator, Berlin)
Joep van Lieshout (artist, Rotterdam)
Nina Möntmann (curator, Stockholm / Hamburg)
Liliana Porter (artist, New York)
Stephen Wright (researcher-critic, Paris)

Argentina guests:

Margarita Paksa (artist, BA)
Jorge Macchi (artist, BA)
Marta Minujin (artist, BA)
Gonzalo Aguilar (historian / researcher, BA)
Lola Arias (playwright, BA)
Andrés Di Tella (filmmaker, BA)
Christian Ferrer (sociologist, BA)
Leandro Erlich (artist, BA)
Mara Facchín (artist, teacher IUNA, BA)
Belén Gache (writer, critic, Madrid)
Teresa Riccardi (historian, BA)
Gustavo Romano (artist / curator netart, Madrid)
Cristina Schiavi (artist, BA)
Alejandro Grimson (anthropologist, BA)
Marcelo Grosman (photographer, cultural agent, BA)
Alicia B. Gutiérrez, Pedro Klimovsky and Santiago Druetta
(Researchers at the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba)
Claudio Katz (economist, member of Economists of Left, BA)
Rosario Institutional Analysis Laboratory (interdisciplinary collectives, BA)
Pio Torroja (M7red) (urban planners-artists, BA)
Alfredo Zaiat (economist and economic analyst, director Cash supplement, newspaper Page 12, BA)
Esteban Álvarez (artist / curator, BA)
Colectivo La Tribu (Radio Independiente, BA)
GAC - Street Art Group (activists collective, BA)
Iconoclassists (collective activists, BA)
IUNA - National University Institute of Art
Community Audiovisual Laboratory (collective of artists, BA)
La Dársena (collective of artists, BA)
Gabriela Forcadell (artist, teacher BA)
Public Women (collective activists, BA)
Not Made in China (activists collective, BA)
Underground Magazine (independent publishing collective, BA)
Tamara Stuby (artist, BA)

Selected projects, artists, curators and groups

LiPac-MasterPlan Scholarship

Scenes from the Indies of Sonia Abián artist / teacher (Posadas)
Spectacular logic of postmodern evangelical liturgies Natalia Bianchi filmmaker (Buenos Aires)
Get me where they don't call me (or a hooligan ethnography) by Luz Broto artist (Barcelona)
I swear silence about my future of Manada (Andrea Chacón Álvarez and María Eugenia Waldhüter playwrights (Buenos Aires))
Creativity and ingenuity, from family to friends of Arde! –Art of collective action– (Hernán Dupraz, Leandro Gorrini, José Luis Meirás, Javier del Olmo, Natalia Revale) (Buenos Aires)
Caving, Aesthetics and Autosocorro of El Nuevo Municipio and GEA (Argentine Speleological Group), Julián D´Angiolillo filmmaker (Buenos Aires)
Diagrams of activist art in Argentina by Marcelo Expósito researcher / activist (Barcelona)
Evolution Machine by Ricardo Iglesias García digital activator (Barcelona)

Dutch Scholarship
in collaboration with Mondriaan Fund
Klaas van Gorkum and Iratxe Jaio Artists (Rotterdam)

LiPac seals other years


Vivi ABELSON artist (Buenos Aires)
Carolina ANDREETTI artist (Buenos Aires)
CURATORIAL AND TRANSITORY COLLECTIVE (collective) curators (Buenos Aires)
Marco BAINELLA artist (Paraná)
Nicolás BALANGERO artist (Córdoba)
Javier BARRIO artist (Buenos Aires)
Laura BENECH digital artist-agitator (Santa Fe)
Gabriel CHAILE artist (Tucumán)
Yamila FONTAN filmmaker (Buenos Aires)
Luján FUNES artist (Buenos Aires)
Denise GIOVANELI artist (Buenos Aires)
Matías IBARRA artist (Buenos Aires)
FLOATING GALLERY (collective) (La Plata)
Geraldine LANTIERI artist (Buenos Aires)
Alejandro LOPEZ SALDAÑA artist (Mexico-Mendoza)
Patricia MIANI painter (Buenos Aires)
Jorge MIÑO photographer (Buenos Aires)
Martín OESTERHERLD filmmaker (Buenos Aires)
Ramiro OLLER artist (Buenos Aires)
Jimena PONCE DE LEON Review (Buenos Aires)
Luciana PONTE digital-designer shaker (Rosario)
Ma Eugenia PRENAFETA Curator (Buenos Aires)
RAYO LAZER gallery (collective) (Buenos Aires)
Marina REYES FRANCO and Gala BERGER (collective) (Puerto Rico-Buenos Aires)
Gachi ROSATI artist (Buenos Aires)
S.A. (collective) artists (Buenos Aires)
SCHEVACH-AUTHIER artists (collective) (Berlin- Buenos Aires)
Agustina TRIQUELL photographer (Córdoba)
Florence VAISBERG photographer (Buenos Aires)


Ezequiel Alemian (Buenos Aires) poet
Leandro Allochis (Perito Moreno / Santa Cruz) artist (photographer - videasta)
Ignacio Amespil (Buenos Aires) artist
Andras Calamandrei (Florence / Buenos Aires) artist / activist
Manuel Carlino (Tucumán) curator
Lia Dansker (Buenos Aires) artist - filmmaker
Verónica Flom (Buenos Aires) artist - photographer
Nicolás Gullota (Buenos Aires) artist
Patricio Gil Flood (La Plata) artist
Luciana Lamothe (Buenos Aires) artist
Paula Landoni (Buenos Aires) artist - researcher
Lara Marmor (Buenos Aires) curator
Celeste Martinez (Córdoba) artist
Julia Masvernat (Buenos Aires) artist - designer
Mariana Mattar (Mendoza) artist
Leandro Monasterio (Buenos Aires) artist - musician
Lena Monnier (Nantes / France) curator
Sonia Neuburger (Buenos Aires) artist - curator
Romina Orazi (Trelew) artist
Julieta Ortíz de Latierro (Buenos Aires) artist
Lucrecia Piedrahita (Colombia) curator
Gabriel Serulnicoff (Buenos Aires) artist - curator
Alejandro Somaschini (Buenos Aires) artist
Irinia Svodoba onia (Comodoro Rivadavia) curator - producer


Ananke Asseff artist (Buenos Aires)
Nicolás Bacal artist (Buenos Aires)
Eduardo Basualdo artist (Buenos Aires)
Mariana Bersten artist (Buenos Aires-New York)
Erica Bohm artist (Buenos Aires)
María Victoria Bonino artist (Buenos Aires)
Eugenia Calvo artist (Rosario)
Leo Chiachio & Daniel Giannone artist (Buenos Aires)
Gustavo Christiansen artist (Mar del Plata)
Laura Cogo artist (Puerto Alegre)
Leonardo Damonte artist (Buenos Aires)
Marcolina Dipierro artist (Buenos Aires)
María Inés Drangosch artist (Mar del Plata)
Julieta Escardó independent editor (Buenos Aires)
Mariano Favetto artist (Buenos Aires)
Estanislao Florido artist (Buenos Aires)
Silvana Franzetti writer (Buenos Aires)
Enzo Giménez artist (Missions)
Antonin Giroud-Delorme artist (Paris)
Celina González Sueyro artist (Buenos Aires)
Camilo Guinot artist (Buenos Aires)
Pablo Klappenbach writer (Buenos Aires)
Martín Legón artist (Buenos Aires)
Valeria Maculan artist (Buenos Aires)
Agustina Nuñez artist (Buenos Aires)
Fabián Ramos artist (Tucumán)
Cintia Romero artist (Santa Fe)
Cristian Segura artist (Tandil)
Ana Carolina Senmartin artist (Córdoba)
Marcela Sinclair artist (Buenos Aires)
Texere online archive (Buenos Aires)
Adriana Vázquez architect (Buenos Aires)
Leonello Zambon net-artist (Buenos Aires)

LiPac Coordination Assistent
Karina Granieri
Centro Cultural Rojas
Education Coordination
Esteban Carestia
Administrative Coordination
Mariana Ron
General Culture Coordination
Dr. Miguel Onaindia / Lic. Cecilia Vázquez



Text published in public distribution graphic piece (2012)

In 2007, the Rojas Cultural Center - University Extension of the University of Buenos Aires summons me to conceptualize and develop a new training space. This is how I propose LiPac, Research Laboratory in Contemporary Artistic Practices, platforms focused on a research practice, the development of better critical instruments and the transformation of knowledge transmission scenarios. The project calls for this, some kind of interruption of the standards of the usual training spaces: academy, workshops, clinics. The purpose was then and remains to offer an imaginative dynamic of dialogue and reciprocity between artistic practices and theoretical drifts. Do it, in addition, from a public stage, with its resources to offer links between local and non-local practices, and from there raise questions about the sovereignty of our interests and our fundamental acts as artists.

We noticed that a certain hegemonic vision prevailed with respect to valuation criteria in the art world; concepts of emotional confinement such as beauty, genius, coherence of style, poeticity, and many others, populated the lexicon of writing about art. On the other hand, some experiences called self-management showed that they could move the device by reproducing it, that it could be a place of accumulation of power if the necessary shortcuts were created.

Then, it was essential to ask ourselves: Why do we need art if it is not to attempt against its own story and forms of crystallization?

In 2007 the unexpected happened in the city.
The emergence of a public space to act and revolt. A rhythmic space CONVERE-SA-CIO-NAL from which to dismantle these policies and emit leak lines. Capable of SELF-ALTERING as an alternative to the standardizing forms of institutions.

From that moment LiPac acts. You do not want an art that reproduces the destiny you have historically had so far. You don't want a unidirectional art, for an elite. You don't want an art like that. It does not aspire to words or system honors. He wants an art that everyone can practice, a liberated art.

With MasterPlan, the laboratory develops a device for types of emancipated practices of the existing categories known so far - an ambitious and extreme topological turn -, ways of working and research between heterogeneous possible universes. It aims to change the idea we have of art, to complexify historical paradigms regarding fields, disciplines, categories, genres. A FANTASTIC engineering that encourages horizontal involvement between practices, knowledge and experiences. It is not the art that reaches the social peripheries to colonize their desires. It is the practice and skills of art meeting other practices and ways of exercising criticism, analysis and enjoyment. An ontological adventure.

Alicia Herrero